Tropical Plant Health: Pests! - Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.

Tropical Plant Health: Pests!

Your prized houseplants spent the warm summer months basking in the sun but now they are back indoors for the winter; but something seems to have moved in with them! 不要惊慌——你可以把不受欢迎的访客拒之门外——或者把他们从你的花盆和家里赶出去. 这里列出了一些常见的室内植物害虫和一些简单的处理方法,让你的热带植物成为禁飞区! 


蚜虫可能是最常见的不受欢迎的室内植物害虫. Aphids are green, brown, 吸植物汁液的红色或黑色软体昆虫,使叶子变形并开花. 它们生长在叶子的背面,通常是新生的叶子. 它们在叶子上沉积粘稠的蜜露,这可能导致烟霉. They reproduce quickly and may also spread plant viruses.

Aphids are easy enough to squish by hand, but to get rid of a whole colony, 遵循以下指示:用软管在室外冲洗植物上的所有蚜虫, or in a shower or in your kitchen sink. If that doesn't do the trick, then spray with a insecticidal soap. 每隔几天检查一下是否有掉队的动物,必要时重复使用肥皂喷雾.

Common Brown Scale

室内的水垢可能是一个真正的问题,因为全年的温度都很好, which is an ideal condition for scale reproduction. Common brown scale are relatively immobile, so if they are contained to one plant, then you can control them. 自制的肥皂喷雾对螨虫并没有那么有效,因为螨虫外面的鳞片就像一个盾牌. You need to get it under 昆虫的盖子-使用商业杀虫肥皂以获得最佳效果. Here's how you can most effectively remove scale:

在植物的土壤周围放一个塑料袋或一些覆盖物. This prevents any scale from falling into your soil.

- Get a commercial insecticidal soap, like those by Ortho or Safer's. Spray this on the plant so it's nice and soapy. 

-用手指沿着植物的茎和叶,用指甲把鳞片往上翻. If you don't want to touch the insects, you can use an old toothbrush or even a toothpick, 但是你的指甲会有更好的控制力和准确性. You may notice some scale fall onto the plastic bags; pick them up and discard them. Really be sure to look over the entire plant. Scale will also hide on stems where they are camouflaged! If available, use a pocket magnifier to look over the plant, including the creases of where the leaf meets the stem.

- After soaping up and scraping the plant, give it a good, sharp spray with your sink hose or your shower. 把植物上的肥皂都洗掉,以免影响生长. 保持植物强壮,健康和生长,也可以防止昆虫.

-在接下来的三天里继续检查工厂,确保你没有漏掉任何鳞片. If you missed any; repeat steps again. 在这两个月里,每周再检查一次,以确保你得到了所有的信息!

Common Whitefly

Whiteflies, which are more closely related to aphids and scale, can be mistaken for little white moths. They will easily take flight if you disturb them. 粉虱的若虫和成虫都用它们的口器从植物中吸取汁液, 什么会导致叶子过早变黄和脱落. 此外,粉虱和蚜虫一样,会散发出蜜露,成为煤烟霉菌的引诱剂. 如果你允许白蝇繁殖,那么它们就会攻击你的植物,使它变得虚弱. 

Whiteflies are attracted to the color yellow, 所以抓住它们的最好方法是用黄色的粘性陷阱,用软管短时间喷水. Ortho Bug-B-Gon has also been effective with whiteflies. 

Red Spider Mites

Though these are technically not insects, 它们是室内园丁不希望出现在家里的害虫.  Spider mites are nearly invisible to the eye. You can see them using a magnifying lens, 或者如果叶子底部有一层红色的薄膜,就可以确认它们的存在, some webbing, or even some leaf damage, which usually results in reddish-brown spots on the leaf.
如果你在植物上发现了蜘蛛螨,立即将其隔离,并在淋浴中彻底清洗. 把它放在一个加湿器每天运行的地方,因为螨虫喜欢干燥的环境. 保持空气湿润,植物在潮湿的一面,希望你能自然地摆脱你的植物的螨虫. Using an insecticidal soap (depending on the plant) will also help kill them; be sure to follow the product directions carefully. 

Fungus Gnats

真菌蚊看起来和果蝇很像,而且经常被误认为是果蝇. Their larvae, which are really the more cause for concern here, prefer to feed on fungi in the soil, which you can only get in moist conditions. 它们可以吃植物材料,但如果真菌含量很高,它们通常不会吃.
成年蚊蚋经常在土壤周围徘徊产卵,但成年蚊蚋是无害的. With a fork, 刮掉植株顶部1-2英寸的土壤(不要损坏植株或根部),让它完全变干. Once your disturb the soil, 在植物周围放一些黄色的粘性陷阱来捕捉成虫,以及薄薄的一层 diatomaceous earth. This will solve the issue fairly quickly. 

Preventing infestation in your Houseplants 

首先,要防止这些害虫在这里安家需要一些额外的工作, but far less work than dealing with an infestation. 这里有几个简单的步骤,当你把植物带到室内或一个新的植物第一次回家. 

- Inspect your plant before you buy it.  

At Ritchie's, we take great care that our plants are healthy, thriving and free of damaging insects, 但也有例外,我们的植物可以搭载一个搭便车的人. That said, inspect the plant well before purchase, and if you do find something amiss, please let one of our on-duty experts know right away! 

- Use clean pots and soil

如果你要重新盆栽,一定要用肥皂和热水清洗新盆栽. 使用一袋新鲜的土壤重新盆栽,以确保没有“剩余”害虫从以前使用的盆栽材料. 

- Put your plant in isolation

For a few days to a few weeks, 把你的植物放在一个单独的房间或区域,而不是你现在的室内植物. 每天检查叶子,土壤和茎是否有害虫的迹象. 如果几天后看起来没问题,就把它移出隔离区. If you are unsure, spray your plant with insecticidal soap (following instructions) to be extra cautious.