解码植物标签-里奇饲料 & 种子公司.


Knowing what plant is suited to your garden is a question asked by all gardeners - from novice to expert.

Understanding how to read a plant or seed label or description will help guide you to successful plantings.

Whether you are planning flower beds or a vegetable garden, buying seeds or shopping for plants; the beautiful plant photos can easily lure us into misinformed purchases. 工厂的标签, labels and seed packets offer information about the plant's light needs, 土壤的偏好, 所需空间及更多, which can help narrow selections but more importantly will help you locate plants that will thrive in your garden.

Here is a simple list that will help you decode the labels before making your selections.



不同之处在于植物的生命周期. Annual plants sprout, bloom, set seed and die all in one year. Biennial plants have a life cycle of two years so they germinate and grow one year, 开花和死在下面. 凡是超过两年的都是多年生植物, which in practical terms usually means it grows and flowers for many years.


This isn’t code you see 在这里- it is all useful information to help you grow it well!


植物需要阳光才能生存, though some plants require lower light levels and others need much more.

FULL SUN means the plant requires 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day


PART SUN or PARTIAL SHADE will be in between, or dappled sunlight, or between 4-6 hours per day.

在选择植物之前, take some time to note the duration of sunlight around your planting areas and at what time of day it is sunny or shady.


Perennial plants and some seeds are labelled with the hardiness zone which ranges from 0 to 9. These indicate regional areas and determine what plant will grow in the region. 有时它表示为一个范围.

You can search and find your zone by municipality on the Government of Canada's website 在这里. 下面是一张地图 & 这张图显示了安大略南部的不同区域. Follow the link under the image to use the interactive map.

Check out the Canadian Government's interactive Plant 耐寒性区域 Map 在这里.

深度 & 间距

These details outline how deep to plant and how far apart to space the seeds or plant. This is determined by how wide the plants will be at maturity.

间距 can be a personal decision as cottage gardeners may wish to place annuals and perennials closer together for more impact, w在这里as vegetable gardeners will allow more space to access the crop.

树 and shrubs should be carefully spaced according to the labels to allow for their growth. Planting them too close to the house or walkways will eventually cause issues. 


DROUGHT TOLERANT means that this plant has adaptations that allow them to survive periods w在这里 t在这里 is no water. 这种植物偶尔需要少量的水.

AVERAGE WATER means that this plant can be watered every time the soil dries out.


Seed Packets offer important information about what a plant it is, 什么时候开始生长, 如何播种和生长, as well as maintenance and other key information including it's proper Latin name.


The botanical name or Latin name will tell you exactly what you are purchasing and will aid you in it's precise care instructions. T在这里 are many trademarked, nicknamed or company names, but those are not the botanical names. The Latin or botanical name is a global standard naming system that will properly identify your plant. Different cultivars or varieties of the same plant may have differing care needs, 所以要密切注意它们的专有名称!

It is a good idea to hang onto or file the labels or tags for perennials, trees and shrubs in case you ever need to seek advice on care. The scientific names for annuals are less important unless you are keen on a specific brand or shade of Petunia (for example) you wish to remember for future seasons.

定价 & 大小

说到植物,最便宜的不一定是最好的. The better nursery care the plant has, the more resilient it will be. Well trained employees and horticulturalists at an established garden centre can aid in plant selection as well as give expert advice about how the plant will grow, 使用什么产品等越来越多的信息.

A larger more expensive plant in a larger pot has been growing longer will have a better root system, 哪一种会使叶子更好, 水果, 花的生长.


This is just the first step in choosing the right plant for the right space, 阳光照射, 还有院子里的防寒区. Understanding the information on a plant label or seed packet begins a gardener's journey of caring for plants, 看着他们成长,享受劳动的果实!

Our Ritchie Experts are available to offer more advice about the plants you are considering. The more knowledge you have about your choices the better you can grow it, 照顾好它,它就会在你的花园里茁壮成长.
